Имеются две версии происхождения русского слова «унитаз». / сквозь время :: 20 век :: 19 век :: унитаз :: фэндомы

унитаз 19 век 20 век ...#сквозь время фэндомы 

Имеются две версии происхождения русского слова «унитаз».

В 1883 году англичанин Томас Твайфорд изобрёл новую модель туалета — цельную (компакт), вместо более ранних, включавших чашу и трубу–поддон. Новую модель назвали unitas — единство.
По другой версии, слово произошло от названия испанской фирмы «Unitas» (лат. Unitas — единство), которая занималась электрификацией страны, а заодно и выпускала унитазы с 1909 года, поставлявшиеся в том числе в Россию. Замена «с» на «з» произошла из–за ассоциации со словом «таз».
Has the following special advantages:
TTNLIKE ordinary W.C. Basins, it is not enclosed with woodwork, but is fully exposed, so U that no filth, nor anything causing offensive smells, can accumulate or

THE PERFECTION OF CLEANLINESS, UTILITY, AND SIMPLICITY. W.C. BASIN & TRAP, URINAL & SLOP SINK, Has the following special advantages: TTNLIKE ordinary W.C. Basins, it is not enclosed with woodwork, but is fully exposed, so U that no filth, nor anything causing offensive smells, can accumulate or escape detection. ALL joints and connections being in sight any leakage or other defect can be easily detected and remedied. NO Wood Fittings are required except a hinged seat, which being raised, the Basin can be used as a Urinal or a Slop Sink, the “ wetting *’ so objectionable in Closets having permanent seat3 being avoided. Free access can thus be had to all parts of the Basin and Trap, so that everything abont the Closet can be easily kept clean. THB Flushing arrangements are so perfect that with a flush of 2 gallons of water it is guaranteed that all the soil and paper will be completely removed from the Basin and through the Trap, the whole of the inside being thoroughly washed, and with the aid of the patent “ After Flush” Chamber the full quantity of water required to receive the soil Is left in the bottom of the Basin. MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SLOP TOP IN THREE WAYS. No. 1. With raised Ornamentation, Oak or Florentine Pattern (White or Ivory). No. 2. Plain, White or Ivory, or with Printed Pattern. No. 3. In strong Fire Clay, specially adapted for Factories, Workhouses, Asylums, firmarics, Hospitals, &c., &c. THOMAS W. TWYFÜRD, Manufacturer of all descriptions of Sanitary and Plumbers' Earthen-ware, and Sole Maker of the “Unitas,” 11 National," 11 Alliance," and ,{Crown” Closet Basins, HANLEY, STAFFORDSHIRE. _T -WYFOBD’ UNITA COMBINING
сквозь время,фэндомы,унитаз,19 век,20 век
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