16. Summer solstice / haguruma (hagurumali) :: art (арт)

haguruma (hagurumali) art 

16. Summer solstice

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height 30 with spacer
Ж1 \	i:a»r
RRIER,haguruma (hagurumali),art,арт

The way the shipping season in the far north will extend as the period of low-ice conditions grows.
Trans-Arctic shipping could be potentially commonplace by late century, with navigable routes available even to open water vessels for perhaps 4-8 months a year.
For a low emissions scenario,

V '.¡ri,haguruma (hagurumali),art,арт

ir if height 30 with spacer pi Ж1 \ i:a»r 1 RRIER
The way the shipping season in the far north will extend as the period of low-ice conditions grows. Trans-Arctic shipping could be potentially commonplace by late century, with navigable routes available even to open water vessels for perhaps 4-8 months a year. For a low emissions scenario, where global temperatures are stabilised at less than 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, the frequency with which open-water vessels can make the transits is much wider than today at 2-4 months. ILE CARRIER
V '.¡ri
haguruma (hagurumali),art,арт
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Прикольно, на первом арте МЗКТшный тягач и буханка. Автор из СНГ, видимо
Автор - китайский студент живущий в Японии.
фетиш у него на россию чтоли.

Если по тегу перейти там вообще только и разговоров что о зиме и о россии.
Общая протяженность 29?8..
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общая протяженность 29?8.. ГосадарствЕННый заказчик ГУ«Дирекция транспорта связи и дорожного хозяйства Ш ЛО» контактный теп 81349221? 1676 Подрядчик	?1675
ответственный исполнитель иачапыш
Ice Road An
road is a winter road, or part thereof, that runs on a naturally frozen

haguruma (hagurumali) art,арт

общая протяженность 29?8.. ГосадарствЕННый заказчик ГУ«Дирекция транспорта связи и дорожного хозяйства Ш ЛО» контактный теп 81349221? 1676 Подрядчик ?1675 «ЖтнаШЭД&гЯ'Яома-гбге ответственный исполнитель иачапыш Ice Road An road is a winter road, or part thereof, that runs on a naturally frozen
Thanks to the cold, many of Pyramiden's rivers freeze up. meaning that trucks can drive along them and conduct trade. It’s an incredibly dangerous job. though — Any accident could mean death for a trucker.

*1 »1 »

haguruma (hagurumali) art,арт

Thanks to the cold, many of Pyramiden's rivers freeze up. meaning that trucks can drive along them and conduct trade. It’s an incredibly dangerous job. though — Any accident could mean death for a trucker. *1 »1 »
«£2W: C|‘
Snow lies in llie Pyramiden on average 210 days and completely descends by May (in the neighborhood of the city snow can lie till June).ln effect there are only two seasons, winter and summer; spring and autumn are brief periods of rapid change from one extreme to the other.

haguruma (hagurumali) art,арт

«£2W: C|‘ Snow lies in llie Pyramiden on average 210 days and completely descends by May (in the neighborhood of the city snow can lie till June).ln effect there are only two seasons, winter and summer; spring and autumn are brief periods of rapid change from one extreme to the other. ICE CARRIE