Daily Mail от декабря 2000-го: "Интернет может быть просто мимолетным увлечением, поскольку миллионы отказываются от него"
p***** Oacarct-r 1 axs Internet ‘may be just a passing fad as millions give up on it’ THE Internet mny be only a punning fad for many tincr*. uccortiimt to u report Researcher* found that uuU&P* «ere turning their back on the «MM wVJe web. (nMtntef) t»jr IU limit «umna and UitwtMnft to pay high lew» rhui **» Tlipy »kjf that *•«#11. fa* front rtiibûra ijUirr firfim <if tMinniunlai-lion, la adding to an ©vrtVtad of InfOftcatkirv jupena from »ha Virtual 8oHh/ protect. ’mUrh pubttahrd I!» repart. Uyurrdictluna that ihr Internet Man» teenager» *" udng tha Internal tea* now man they conclude, and the futo/e ^ online «bopping la limited ntere By Ji Soonoa C<yrmpor»Vo«____________ «varie dorrt or <A the eoctety, aafet •Wv ktr oft«n rweofflted wUh a pt<-tore of tJOraeontng Internet uae. but there la aiddeoce already of drop off and mUuraUon «mort* uaera TWmnn' uie of the Internet baa iiminrt They w#re enen$l»e<l by «mal you can do on me brl they haw Ui through all that and Iter* readied there U more u> ttle tn the real world and gone bock to K. * »ir*t loeetQT iJiäWW ll1 W uni reran rot eeruaa aorope anti the ue It eatimated that lu Dmala alone three could te* more Uuui 1*0 mlUior. -----— people »ho regularly u#ed the Intern«! hut had twm gtwn up A Italy*) t mi/ »«me aluinb txrame bated. While *»tl»«r# a«re fm* NOW THERE’S ANO INTELLIGENT FT COULD MAKE YOU!
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