28 июля 1945 бомбардировщик B-25 врезался в Empire State Building / сквозь время :: Empire State Building :: самолет :: разное

самолет Empire State Building ...#сквозь время 

28 июля 1945 бомбардировщик B-25 врезался в Empire State Building

сквозь время,разное,самолет,Empire State Building

сквозь время,разное,самолет,Empire State Building

В субботнее утро, 28 июля 1945 г бомбардировщик B-25 направлялся из г. Бедфорд, штат Массачусетс, в Нью-Йорк. Стоящий туман сильно ухудшил видимость. Спустя час люди на улицах Манхэттена увидели, как из облаков появился бомбардировщик, обогнул небоскребы и врезался в стену Эмпайр-Стейт-Билдинг.
На 78 этаже образовалась зияющая дыра, один из двигателей самолета, пробив семь стен, вылетел с другой стороны здания, а другой пролетел через шахту лифта, и, перебив тросы, обрушил кабину лифта в подвал. Когда взорвался топливный бак, пламя охватило 6 этажей, а горящий бензин стекал по стенам здания. К счастью, лишь несколько офисов работали в воскресный день, и погибли всего 14 человек, включая трех членов экипажа. Пожар был потушен в течение 40 минут.

Бомбардировщик B-25:
сквозь время,разное,самолет,Empire State Building

Plane Hits Empire State Building,News,,July 28 1945 - A US Army B-25 bomber crashes into the Empire State Building between the 78th and 79th floors. An engine plunges down an elevator shaft, sparking a fire in the basement. Eleven people in the building are killed, in addition to the three man bomber crew. Elevator operator Betty Lou Oliver survived a plunge of 75 stories inside an elevator, which still stands as the Guinness World Record for the longest survived elevator fall recorded.
1945 Airplane Crashes Into The Empire State Building Killing 14,News,,A United States military plane crashes into the Empire State Building on this day in 1945, killing 14 people. The freak accident was caused by heavy fog. The B-25 Mitchell bomber, with two pilots and one passenger aboard, was flying from New Bedford, Massachusetts, to LaGuardia Airport in New York City. As it came into the metropolitan area on that Saturday morning, the fog was particularly thick. Air-traffic controllers instructed the plane to fly to Newark Airport instead. This new flight plan took the plane over Manhattan; the crew was specifically warned that the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the city at the time, was not visible. The bomber was flying relatively slowly and quite low, seeking better visibility, when it came upon the Chrysler Building in midtown. It swerved to avoid the building but the move sent it straight into the north side of the Empire State Building, near the 79th floor. Upon impact, the plane's jet fuel exploded, filling the interior of the building with flames all the way down to the 75th floor and sending flames out of the hole the plane had ripped open in the building's side. One engine from the plane went straight through the building and landed in a penthouse apartment across the street. Other plane parts ended up embedded in and on top of nearby buildings. The other engine snapped an elevator cable while at least one woman was riding in the elevator car. The emergency auto brake saved the woman from crashing to the bottom, but the engine fell down the shaft and landed on top of it. Quick-thinking rescuers pulled the woman from the elevator, saving her life. Since it was a Saturday, fewer workers than normal were in the building. Only 11 people in the building were killed, some suffering burns from the fiery jet fuel and others after being thrown out of the building. All 11 victims were workers from War Relief Services department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, into the offices of which the plane had crashed. The three people on the plane were also killed. An 18 foot by 20 foot hole was left in the side of the Empire State Building. Though its structural integrity was not affected, the crash did cause nearly $1 million in damages, about $10.5 million in today's money.

сквозь время,разное,самолет,Empire State Building
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